New Author Publishes Small E-book Guide for Writers in a Week

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It is nothing short of a rousing success. A brand new author set out to create a non-AI generated e-book from concept to publication in less than 7 days and did it. J. Tordsen, an experienced but unpublished writer, wrote, designed, edited and published their first book in 7 days.

The e-book titled The Gigabytes Guide to Writing is a light read at only 31 pages that mixes wit and wisdom from veteran writer, J. Tordsen. It is billed as “a lighthearted road map to your book writing journey”

He writes on his author’s page: “It is done! Book submitted to KDP and is under review. If all goes well, it should be live in less than 72 hours!”

“The approval was faster than anticipated,” he notes, “and there are a few minor issues to correct in the description but overall I am pleased with the result.”

One of his BETA readers even commented: “The book promoted some confidence to write as someone who never thought of writing.”

“That was exactly what I was hoping for,” J. Tordsen noted. “I wrote it specifically for new writers to inspire confidence in their writing by taking some of the guesswork out of it without getting into the weeds.”

The e-book is for sale on Amazon here:

New Author Plans to Write and Publish First Book in 7 days

A new author is taking his first book from concept to published work in 7 days or less.

The new author, who goes by the name J. Tordsen, is a writer with over 25 years of professional writing experience and has written countless blogs, video scripts, website and ad copy but has never published a book.

The book, titled The Gigabytes Guide to Writing, is a lighthearted look at the writing process itself based on J. Tordsen’s own writing experiences. Written from a first person perspective, it provides a general overview of the process of taking a manuscript from concept to publication with special emphasis on writing technology, world building, and overcoming writer’s block.

The book is full of useful information that a new writer might want to know mixed with humor and wit to make it an easy read. It is expected to be available through Kindle February 26th.

J. Tordsen has other works pending and has hinted about them on his facebook page. The titles will be revealed in the upcoming weeks. You can view his author page here on Gigabooks Press.