Editing The 8 Fates of Okteveos

The 8 Fates of Okteveos has completed its second edit and author J. Tordsen has been tracking word counts throughout the process.

The following table shows how the book’s word count has evolved through the writing process.

Section Draft Edit 1 Edit 2 Change Edit 1/2/Total
1 24,112 22,098 23,013 -2014/+915/-1099
2 4,392 5,286 6,453 +894/+1167/+2061
3 3,086 3,397 3,471 +311/+74/+385
4 – 5 5,243 5.457 5,884 +214/+427/+641
6 2,789 3,248 3,255 +459/+7/+466
7 11,730 12,602 14,483 +872/+1881/+2753
8 2,517 2,957 3,287 +440/+330/+770
Total 53,869 55,187 59,846 +1318/+4659/+5977
Okteveos Word Count Table

Section 1: The first section is consistently the largest part of the book, however, during the first edit, a massive 2000 word chunk was deleted to move the story along. In the second edit, some detail was added back in but the overall length is about 1000 words down from the original draft.

Section 2: This section grew by nearly 50%. Detail needed to be added consistently as the other sections took shape.

Section 3: It was the least developed story in the draft. After the first edit, very little needed to be added to it.

Section 4 – 5: Section 4-5 are combined for a very good reason in the book. While not a lot of detail needed to be added, it need to be added consistently like section 2.

Section 6: This section was probably the most developed part of the book. Edit 1 involved some corrections but by edit 2, the story was polished enough where it only needed a small edit.

Section 7: This is the second largest section of the book and where a lot happens. It also needed massive edits to tell the story properly.

Section 8: The rest of the book leads up to the events at the end so, any changes here almost require changes elsewhere in the book and vice-versa.

As you can see, the book started out smaller and grew as the story was refined. Most of the time we hear about authors “over-writing” a manuscript and the tug of war that happens between the editor that wants to cut it down and the author who wants to keep every word. This is not how J. Tordsen writes.

“For me, the story has always developed in editing. The rough draft is, well, rough. While I am not afraid to cut out entire sections out of a story to make it flow better, on the potter’s wheel of writing, I only start off with enough clay to make an ashtray before adding clay to build up the story into a vase. I have a short story I wrote decades ago and I have revisited that story many times over the years to re-edit it. With each edit, it got better and more detailed. If anything, I under-write a story.”

Beta readers wanted for Okteveos

the 8 fates of okteveos

A call has been put out for beta readers for the upcoming The 8 Fates of Okteveos.

Author J. Tordsen is looking for beta readers for his upcoming novel, The 8 Fates of Okteveos, a supernatural fiction novel written as a series of short stories with an overall story arch connecting them all.  Readers will be invited to read some or all of the sections and provide feedback to the author. Those who complete one section of the beta reader project will be given an ebook copy of the finished product. Those who beta read for the entire novel will be given a special paperback copy of the novel signed by the author. 

This announcement coincides with the new Beta reader program hosted by Gigabooks Press. As stated on the Beta reader application page:

Beta readers are an important part of the publishing process at Gigabooks Press. Beta readers get early access to some or all parts of an unpublished work to critique it and provide the author with useful feedback.

There are no prerequisites for being a beta reader apart from a willingness to read and provide the requested feedback. As long as you provide the appropriate details, acceptance into the program is a given.

How it works: An author will invite you to beta read their manuscript based on the information provided in your application. Beta readers can then accept or reject any assignments they are invited to. The author may provide incentives to complete their particular beta read. Gigabooks Press facilitates the program but does not have any bearing on who is invited for a particular beta reading assignment or what incentives are provided that is entirely up to the author.

Interested readers can signup for an invitation at the Beta Reader Application page.

Additional Guides Now Available

Gigabooks Press has expanded its selection of available guidebooks thanks to a licensing deal with a private label distributor.

The new guides cover a variety of topics from using blockchain for business to information on vitamin D. Gigabooks Press has edited and updated these for a modern audience and are offering them exclusively in the Gigabooks Press online store. More guides are on their way with about one being edited and published each week.

The currently published  guides include:

Each guide is offered in both paperback and ebook form. Currently, one ebook of choice can be had for free by signing up for the Gigabooks newsletter

Guide to Writing Second Edition Now Shipping

The Gigabytes Guide to Writing is now shipping copies of its second edition on Gigabooks Press. It is a revised and expanded version of the popular guide and includes a highly anticipated section on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Ebook versions will follow in the next few days.

The Gigabytes Guide to Writing is author J. Tordsen’s first published work and is unique in the fact that it was written, edited, designed, and published in 7 days without the use of AI or chat bots. It has been highly regarded by peers and new writers alike.

J. Tordsen has appeared on various podcasts and talk shows to talk about the book with the most recent invite being a guest blogger on the site Author’s Lounge. More appearances are pending.

The Gigabytes Guide to Writing has been described as a sort of “pocket atlas” to self-publishing. It gives aspiring authors an overview of the process and pitfalls of self publishing. It includes helpful tips on how to avoid writer’s block, using AI tools, and effective world building techniques among others. It is written in a casual and humorous way that makes it a light and easy read.

The Gigabytes Guide to Writing can be found here: https://gigabookspress.com/shop/

Guide to Writing Second Edition

Gigabooks press has just released The Gigabytes Guide to Writing second edition in both paperback and ebook. 

The guide has received several updates and expansions as well as a paperback size update using the new guide size formatting unique to Gigabooks publishing. 

The paperback edition has 50% larger font as well as a size upgrade from 18 x 13.5 cm (approximately 7″ x 5.25″) to 19 x 14 cm (approximately 7.5″ x 5.5″).

Both ebook and paperback editions have an expanded section on AI as well as slightly expanded sections on other topics.

You can get the second edition paperback here. The deluxe ebook is available here. Amazon and Google links will be announced later.

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